Sanskrit Pronunciation Course

The Sanskrit Pronunciation Course offers a comprehensive study of articulating Sanskrit sounds, covering the main points of pronunciation. This course provides a practical overview, aids in breaking words into syllables, and focuses on correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. With a wealth of resources including video tutorials, detailed explanations, and learners can master authentic Sanskrit pronunciation and enhance their chanting skills. ​The course is designed to help learners achieve accurate pronunciation of each letter in Sanskrit, improve concentration and focus, and understand the distinction between different sounds. Whether this course provides the foundational knowledge and skills required to do so.

By ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya Europe

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Course Duration

14 Hours


2 Hours/ Session

No. Of Sessions


Sessions per week

At your own pace




Schedule of Classes


Starts on



Regular classes on

At your own pace

About the Teacher


ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya Europe

ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya Europe aims to develop a sustainable Krishna conscious community, teaching a simpler, more natural way of life under the guidance of Śrī Śrī Prahlad Lakshmi Narasimhadeva. Inspired by Śrīla Prabhupāda’s vision, we provide opportunities for devotees in Europe, Africa, and the UK to study and practice the teachings of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and the writings of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Ācāryas. This initiative aims to foster a deep appreciation for Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books and equip devotees with the knowledge to fulfill the mission of human life.

Our mission is to enlighten society with the wisdom of the Bhāgavata Purana, promote Krishna-bhakti and rasa, and establish Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam as a guiding ideology for peace, friendship, and prosperity. We envision nurturing dynamic teachers to spread the teachings of the Bhagavad-gītā, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and Śrī Caitanya-Caritāmṛta, thereby reinstating fundamental spiritual values and culture.

As Śrīla Prabhupāda said, "It is a cultural presentation for the re-spiritualisation of the entire human society." To achieve this, we offer both online and on-site education and philosophical training through traditional Vedic and innovative educational methods.

Course Overview

Course Overview:

Greetings and welcome to the self-study course titled "Sanskrit Pronunciation Mastery" Throughout this course, our objective is to equip you with the fundamental understanding and abilities required to pronounce Sanskrit accurately. By the conclusion of this self-guided journey, you will possess the capability to enunciate Sanskrit letters, traditional prayers, and scriptural verses with precision, distinguishing between correct and incorrect pronunciations effectively.

Course Content:

Module 1: Understanding the Significance of Sanskrit Pronunciation.

Module 2: Mastering Basic Sounds and Complex Words.

Module 3: Unlearning Mispronunciations and Daily Devotional Chants.

Module 4: Enunciating Chosen Verses with Accuracy.

Course Materials:

This self-study course includes essential resources to help you on your journey to mastering Sanskrit pronunciation:

  • "Sanskrit Pronunciation: A Comprehensive Guide" authored by HH Lokanath Swami (highly recommended text).
  • Pronunciation guides and audio resources.
  • Practice exercises and self-assessment tools.

Target Audience:

This self-study course is designed for anyone who is interested in perfecting their Sanskrit phonetics. Welcoming anyone eager to enrich and who wants to enhance their grasp and enunciation of Sanskrit, be it for spiritual exploration or academic pursuits.

Assessment Plan:

Upon completing this self-study course, you'll have the opportunity to evaluate your progress and understanding using self-assessment exercises and quizzes.

Course Requirements:

There are no particular prerequisites for joining this self-paced course. It welcomes all individuals from all backgrounds, irrespective of their prior familiarity with Sanskrit or linguistics. All that's needed is a sincere desire to enhance Sanskrit pronunciation skills and a willingness to dedicate time to self-guided learning.

Course Content

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